I'm discovering this year that I actually do like winter! It's fun to do activities in winter that are impossible at other times of the year [um, those are called seasons, Kit], like ice skating, sledding, ice chopping and shoveling. I'm not kidding, I really do like shoveling. Can you guess why?
It's because you can SEE the result of your efforts. Much of the work to which I am called and devoted (mothering, wife-ing, and teaching) show reward over time (LONG time). With shoveling and ice chopping (if you don't live in the North, did you even know that was an activity?!), you work and then you can point to what you have accomplished. I like that feeling.
This year I would like to get the boys out on skis. We have several mountains very close by from which we may choose. I'd also like to do snow shoeing at some point, as it requires very little equipment or preparation.
Here are some winter pictures for you. Our camera is not very cooperative, so please bear with the poor quality. Maybe we'll upgrade someday to an SLR. Until then, I'm doing the best I can with our little point-and-shoot.

This is the back of our house, looking toward the front yard.

Here is the cool mitten tree that my mom gave us for Christmas. It's PERFECT for drying wool mittens that cannot be put in the dryer. In case you don't know, wool mittens are THE best snow gear to have. They stay warm on the inside no matter how caked the outside becomes with snow.

This is the view from our bedroom, looking toward the skating rink in our neighbor's yard. It's a bit hard to make out. It's just on the other side of the play structure.

Here's the skating rink close up. I never realized how hard it is to take pictures in the snow...everything melts into itself with all that white everywhere.

Our new ice skate collection! I purchased these used. What you don't see are the adorable tiny white skates I got for Lucy. So cute.
Hope you and yours are enjoying whatever kinds of seasons you are having where you live!
I love shoveling too! Though not so much the following days of back ache. And I think you finally explained to me why I like it so much. You do feel so accomplished when you see the asphalt between the piles of white that YOU built. :)