Multitude Monday

holy experience

Time to continue the list. Since my last Gratitude post, I've heard from more friends about how this list has encouraged them with their own thanks to our Father!

Glory be! It really does make us different!


time away to learn the teaching craft; it give me great joy

apple picking with friends; an autumn tradition continued, this time in the lovely mountains of New Hampshire

Oldest son waving to me from across a field with an enthusiastic, "Hi, Mom!!!" So glad he still likes me. :)

church retreat and living our lives with these dear friends

our boys sitting at lunch table with a bunch of single friends from church, chatting and laughing together

amazing foliage colors in NH! Glory!

gospel teaching over the weekend and great discussions afterward

0102 can see so many of them when you leave the city!! I had forgotten.

anticipation of a few days away with sweet husband! Fancy hotel, here we come!

remembering God's faithfulness as I looked around at church friends over the weekend. He has done and is doing so much in our midst.

time on my drive to Maine to really pray and sing and admire the creation

sweet memories of our early years of marriage and living in lovely New England

this morning, I woke up for a bit and then was allowed to go BACK TO SLEEP. It was that deep, sweet, relaxed sleep that I don't feel that I get very often. Mmmmmm.

laughing with son #3 and seeing him grow in confidence

holding Lucy, my sweet baby. The way I yearn for her is just a little picture of how the Father yearns for me. Can you believe it?!?

thinking about the story of the prodigal son, and how maybe he felt when he saw his father RUNNING down the road toward him, all dignity and caution thrown to the wind. May I feel THAT love as I learn to authentically repent and move on in Christ's life.

apple crisp from the fair and our SWEET friends who brought it to us! What did we do to deserve such a gift?

Thank you, Lord, for your goodness to us! You whisper your love in so many ways.

Read more and see the Gratitude lists of others at Holy Experience.


  1. Thanks Kit, there's so much for which to be thankful. It's a privilege to read yours and rejoice with you.

    Have fun with your hubby this weekend; you kids live it up in NYC!!!

  2. You whisper your love in so many ways.

    I love that. Thank you for sharing with us.


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