Day of Pentecost

From our church bulletin this morning:

God did not bring forth his Word among men for the sake of a momentary display, intending at the coming of His Spirit to abolish it. Rather, He sent down the same Spirit by whose power He had dispensed the Word, to complete His work by the efficacious confirmation of the Word.
--John Calvin

What an awesome morning of worship and seeing the promises of the Lord right before our eyes!

WARNING: The next paragraph contains some church-y type language.

In the first service, a precious baby was baptized and brought into the God's family. We hope for and expect the day that Baby Jack, when ready, will make his own profession of faith.

To me, the picture of a helpless infant being brought into the family of the Lord reminds me that I am like that helpless baby. God brought me into His family by no goodness or merit on my part. I, too, am weak, unable to walk toward the Lord of my own power. He draws me; He carries me.

Then, new members were admitted to the Lord's Supper. The best thing was that these four new members were four covenant children (baptized as infants) who were making their own professions of faith: our own Theo and three of his friends, Johnny, Selah and Kieran. What a picture of God's faithfulness to see these children take on a faith of their own and participate in the Lord's Supper for the first time. God is so good.

In the second service (which I missed), an sweet family of four became members of the church. The elder daughter professed her faith and was baptized. The younger daughter, who is Lucy's age, was baptized as a child of the covenant! John tells me it was quite touching.

What a morning. I'm so grateful for these visible signs (also called scaraments) of God's love and care for His people! Praise Him!


  1. the second service was WONDERFUL too!!! We were so glad to see our friends join the church before leaving town, and to see Leila and Farah baptized. AND my friend (non-believer) Maca joined us in a great answer to prayer. WOW, what a Sunday!!!!


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