Top Ten Tuesday

Y'all. I posted EVERY DAY in May! Yahoo! I'm only 8 posts away from the total number of posts of all of 2009!

Today I'm posting my Top 10 fantasy jobs. Some are based in reality; most are NOT. Just fun to think about.

(in no particular order)
1. editor at The New Yorker
2. bluegrass fiddler a la Alison Krauss
3. kick-a** spy a la Sidney Bristow in Alias
4. a rocker a la Gwen Stefani in No Doubt
5. a back-up singer for Elvis
6. a writer of short stories or novels
7. professional choir singer a la anyone in The Sixteen
8. a person who lives in Mexico (pretty sure that's not a job, but it would be awesome if it was (were?))
9. I can't think of...
10. anything else. Guess I only have 8.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Come on, share with us!


  1. I've always wanted to be famous - singer, performer, speaker. (perhaps this reveals a little too much about my arrogance and self-admiration!)

    When I was a kid, I wanted to be Amy Grant....

    I do still want to be a public speaker & teacher - but God's changing my motivation and attitude about it. :)

  2. I have always wanted to be a folk singer.

  3. I've wanted to be an architect since I was in middle school, but before that I wanted to be a mad scientist...

    maybe one day when I'm all grown up, my childhood dreams will come true...



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