Gratitude Journal: August 30 edition
Still counting with Ann at Holy Experience...we're almost to 1000! I hope you might start listing your blessings, as well. I'm pretty sure it will change the way you see things.
More later. Busy week ahead.

0889 sunshine after long rainy days
0890 much needed rain!
0891 cleaning lots of STUFF OUT of my house
0892 a few more days before school starts (now it's only TWO for Lucy and me!)
0893 forgiving neighbors
0894 birthday boys
0895 cakes!
0896 routines - I need some new ones
0897 Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars - STILL getting played with after all these years!
0898 garbage (or rubbish for New Englanders/Brits) service
0899 Theo saying, "Tomorrow we've got to sponsor some kids!" (We do.)
0900 a brilliantly clear morning - 59 degrees (fall is coming!), sunny, green trees on horizon, not a hint of humidity
0901 warm last days of summer...still not ready to let go
0902 church (again, and again, and again)
0903 giving bags and bags and bags away
0904 Mark 20:17,18 "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him. Praying scary prayers.
0905 book of Jonah
0906 swimming all together
0907 my friend Ann
0908 being able to really connect with Theo in reconciliation even as I corrected him...he is such a tender, tender soul
0909 realizing how much our children NEED us and our attention
0910 Groupon - have you tried this yet?!
0911 beginning of year cook-out - makes me not quite so nervous

More later. Busy week ahead.
0889 sunshine after long rainy days
0890 much needed rain!
0891 cleaning lots of STUFF OUT of my house
0892 a few more days before school starts (now it's only TWO for Lucy and me!)
0893 forgiving neighbors
0894 birthday boys
0895 cakes!
0896 routines - I need some new ones
0897 Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars - STILL getting played with after all these years!
0898 garbage (or rubbish for New Englanders/Brits) service
0899 Theo saying, "Tomorrow we've got to sponsor some kids!" (We do.)
0900 a brilliantly clear morning - 59 degrees (fall is coming!), sunny, green trees on horizon, not a hint of humidity
0901 warm last days of summer...still not ready to let go
0902 church (again, and again, and again)
0903 giving bags and bags and bags away
0904 Mark 20:17,18 "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him. Praying scary prayers.
0905 book of Jonah
0906 swimming all together
0907 my friend Ann
0908 being able to really connect with Theo in reconciliation even as I corrected him...he is such a tender, tender soul
0909 realizing how much our children NEED us and our attention
0910 Groupon - have you tried this yet?!
0911 beginning of year cook-out - makes me not quite so nervous
Celebrating birthday boys along with you.
ReplyDeleteDelighted as always to splash around with you and drench myself in His goodness.
Kit I think it’s so great that you are doing this! I think service and counting blessings it the best thing anyone can do during times of depression, but ANYTIME is a great time to do it. I hope that you are keeping these somewhere you can read them again when the days get hard to bear. You made me think of a hymn named “count your blessings” do you have this one in your hymn books at church? If not you should check out the song, I know you’d love it:
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