So very thankful
Ah, spring is a busy season around here. May, in particular, seems to be bursting this year with concerts, games, practices, more games, lessons, meetings, showers, parties and more. There is always a choice to make; we can't do all of it. Four children, one car can make things a little crazy, especially on Saturdays!
I've been away from this space, mostly out of the need to keep some brain reserves for all that is going on as this school year draws to a close.
But I've missed reading all your blogs and commenting and feel connected to all of my bloggy pals! And I've missed joining with the multitudes to record all the ways the Father shows His love. I don't want to ever forget!
Keeping our list:
* Theo's first Red Sox game with his Papa, friend Selah, and Selah's dad -- so awesome
* big spills in the kitchen
* paper towels
* hearing good reports about oldest son (while many other things in his life at home are difficult, it is nice to hear something encouraging!)
* friends almost at end of their home study and praying for a baby soon
* spring is really really here!
* blooming trees all around, especially dogwoods -- my favorite
* kids all dirty from playing outside
* kids who smell of dirt and grass
* sleeping soundly
* friends who pray
* really fun writing lessons with my students
* a reluctant reader admitting that he LIKES the book we're reading
* gritty floors
* Swiffers
* neighbors who invite you to dinner when they're having STEAK
* community
I've been away from this space, mostly out of the need to keep some brain reserves for all that is going on as this school year draws to a close.
But I've missed reading all your blogs and commenting and feel connected to all of my bloggy pals! And I've missed joining with the multitudes to record all the ways the Father shows His love. I don't want to ever forget!
Keeping our list:
* Theo's first Red Sox game with his Papa, friend Selah, and Selah's dad -- so awesome
* big spills in the kitchen
* paper towels
* hearing good reports about oldest son (while many other things in his life at home are difficult, it is nice to hear something encouraging!)
* friends almost at end of their home study and praying for a baby soon
* spring is really really here!
* blooming trees all around, especially dogwoods -- my favorite
* kids all dirty from playing outside
* kids who smell of dirt and grass
* sleeping soundly
* friends who pray
* really fun writing lessons with my students
* a reluctant reader admitting that he LIKES the book we're reading
* gritty floors
* Swiffers
* neighbors who invite you to dinner when they're having STEAK
* community
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