
I've been in a bit of a purging mood lately.  For example, the sofa in our family room has been bugging me so much, with its terrible slip-cover and slovenly appearance, that I have received permission from the man of the house to remove it as soon as I can.  I can't wait to take it out and leave it on the curb.  I don't even care that I have nothing to take it's place; in fact, I think I will revel in having NOTHING there.
As a result of this mood, I spent some time in our dungeon basement yesterday, filing through long lost papers, boxes of journals (I cannot believe how much I used to write in my journal!) and memorabilia.
I found a little envelope, sealed, and the front said this:
Ooo, how exciting, my very own time capsule that I don't even remember!  Those are my maiden initials in the lower left corner, for Katharine Priscilla Colwell.
Well, 2000 AD has come and gone, so I figured I had better open it.  Here is what I read:
  I wrote this list on November 12, 1990, four days after my 20th birthday.  I was a sophomore in college, and a baby Christian.  I'm struck by the fact that of the six things on the list, five of them are true.  The first one, about where I would live, is the only one that is not currently true.  Guess I couldn't imagine myself up here in cold, Yankee New England.  The parts about being involved in church and following the Lord seem amazing to me, as I had only been a Christian for less than a year.  
I'm so thankful to the Lord for all the mercy HE has shown and all the things that HE has done.

This is the Lord's doing; 
it is marvelous in our eyes.
Psalm 118:23


  1. Oh wow, that is so cool. God is good. I bet He'll provide a great sofa, too. Can't wait to see it.

  2. How precious! We are so excited to have provided the man who loves the Lord, but God brought you two together.
    Love you much,
    Judy (& David too)

  3. Precious! Precious! Precious! I wish I would have done that. I am going to have my girls do that.


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