Loving the church: {Day 9} Foundation
Happy Sunday! I hope it's a day of rest and refreshing for you as you gather with the believers today. I pray you will be fed by God, and made ready to head into the next week!
Do you know this hymn? It is about the church. I learned it growing up in the Episcopal church, and have always loved it. It's set to new music here; hope you like!
I thought I would let you know of a few of the other 31 Day writers that I've enjoyed this week.
This is the 9th part in a series. Go here to read 31 Days of Loving the Church from the beginning. Go here to read over 700 other 31 day series.
Do you know this hymn? It is about the church. I learned it growing up in the Episcopal church, and have always loved it. It's set to new music here; hope you like!
I thought I would let you know of a few of the other 31 Day writers that I've enjoyed this week.
This is the 9th part in a series. Go here to read 31 Days of Loving the Church from the beginning. Go here to read over 700 other 31 day series.
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