True Love

I found our reading before the Lord's Supper today really helpful.  I'm not including all of it, as it was a bit lengthy. 
I love watching all the church come to the front to receive the bread and the wine...all of us broken, needy, not as good as we should be, but better than we used to be, needing Jesus, perhaps with no natural affinity for each other, just united in our need for Him, our belonging to Him, and knowing that there is nowhere else to go, for He holds the words of life.

Minister: Beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Supper that we are about to celebrate is a feast of remembrance, of communion and of hope.  We come in remembrance that our Lord Jesus Christ was sent of the Father into the world to assume our flesh and blood and to fulfill for us all obedience to the divine law...We come to have communion with this same Christ, who has promised to be with us always, even to the end of the world...We come in hope, believing that this bread and this cup are a pledge and foretaste of the feast of love of which we shall partake when his kingdom has fully come, when with unveiled face we shall behold him, made like unto him in his glory.

All:  Since by his death, resurrection, and ascension, Christ has obtained for us the life-giving Spirit, who unites us all in one body, so we are to receive this supper in TRUE LOVE, mindful of the communion of saints.


  1. I love (and appreciate!) the picture you painted in your words. I'm going to cut and paste and put in my Bible. Jennifer (Colquitt) once said that when we come before the table we say to God, "This is all I've got....the Body and the Blood." I like that. I am going to meditate today on "our belonging to Him, and knowing their is nowhere else to go, for He holds the words of life." ENJOY your week! Do you get MLK off? I am still in my jammies! Yea!


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