Reconnaissance mission

So, for those of you just tuning in, we are moving in July.  We are leaving Boston and going to Kerrville, Texas.  Never heard of it? Here's a handy dandy little article that will get you up to date. 
So last weekend I was on a mission in Kerrville, searching for a home for our family, as well as checking out schools for the kiddos.  The plan was that I would hang out with my in-laws, who are staying with their friends, the Mosers, on their ranch.  Fine and dandy.
But something happened the day before I was to leave.  My lovely sister-in-law, Luz, pregnant with twins, was suddenly admitted to the hospital with very high blood pressure and her doctors determined that those sweet babies needed to come out!  Naturally, my in-laws high-tailed it down to Houston to be there for the blessed arrival, as they should have!
The only thing for me was that I was now facing a trip to a new, unknown town, and with no one to be my sounding board.  (Cue the violins.)  While I was sad and a bit apprehensive about trying to accomplish so many important things alone, I knew that it would be okay.  I planned to just put on my big girl panties and do it!
However, when my mom caught wind of the fact that I would be trying to do all this alone, she didn't like that one bit and offered to fly out to Kerrville on Sunday. I said, "Yes, please!"  Yay!  So now, as I left Boston early on Friday, I had the wonderful prospect of seeing my own mom, and on Mother's Day, no less!  I hadn't seen her since July, so this was no small treat.
Fast forward to Friday midday.  I have arrived in San Antonio, rented a car and am just about to Kerrville (about an hour's drive).  I decide to check in with my mother-in-law and see how our new babies are doing (Joaquin and Carmela are doing fine, by the way!).  She answers her phone and says, "Well, I was about to call you.  I am on my way to Kerrville."  
What?!?  She had decided that the babies were in good hands for the next few days, and she was driving from Houston to Kerrville because she just couldn't stand the idea of my being all alone and trying to accomplish so much.  Wow, now I was not only going to see my own mother, but my mother-in-law as well.  Blessings abound!
All told, I had two great days with Judy, my mother-in-law, and almost three days with my mom. 
Besides driving around A LOT in order to orient myself to the town, here is what we did:
* ate Mother's Day brunch at "the club"
* had Mother's Day champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries courtesy of Judy!  
* saw some really ugly houses and some really lovely houses
* toured six schools, three public, two Catholic and one Protestant
* went to Starbucks to use their internet
* ate at Chili's, something I said I would never do after boycotting it over 18 years ago (it really wasn't that bad)
* went to Walmart just because I could
* ate dinner with some lovely and smart artist women
* saw lots and lots of deer (and cows and pretty birds)
* dined along the green waters of the Guadalupe River
* went to Sonic because I could
* enjoyed the sunsets and the landscapes
* went to worship in Boerne, the next town over, and met with lots of our new church people!

In case you are wondering, nothing has been decided.  There are some housing possibilities, but no lease has been signed.  Still waiting to hear about financial aid before making school decisions.
Gladly, I did not have school today and was able to spend some time catching up on life and trying to wrap my head around the last week.  I know that the Lord goes before us, and He will show us the way!


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