
You know what that word means?  It means hope.  And it is a word that keeps popping up in my life over the last several weeks.
Exhibit #1:
When we first came to Kerrville, I noticed this beautiful plant which seemed to be continually blooming.  I love its lush green leaves, the way it bends enthusiastically in the breeze and its bright sunny blooms.  You may know that yellow is one of my very favorite colors, one to which I am continually drawn. Eventually, I found out that this plant is called esperanza.  Hope. I love it so much I put it in the header of my blog.
This is my neighbor's plant.  Hi, Denise! 

Exhibit #2:  What is it about new bedding that makes your whole room feel new and fresh?  We have had the same red and white duvet cover for many years, and I have loved it.  I loved the different Scandinavian patterns I used in the throw pillows and curtains (thank you, IKEA) and I really didn't ever get sick of the red.  As you may know, I LOVE red (and yellow.  primary colors, anyone?).
Anyways, in our new house we have switched to a new bed frame, one that had been in storage for a few years.  And I really wanted to outfit the bed with new linens, but wasn't ready to commit.  Also, the bedding I really like is MUY CARO (expensive!) because it's from Anthropolgie.  Of course.
So, I spent many a late night looking at the bedding online, reading the reviews, re-reading the reviews, wondering if I could use the money in our special home-improvement stash, almost ordering and then not.
Jump ahead a week or two.  We are in San Antonio doing some school shopping for kids and I say, "Let me just run into Anthropologie so I can see this bedding in person.  I may not even like it" (yeah, right).
I leave the family in the parking lot and run into the most beautiful mall you have ever seen (La Cantera) and into Anthropologie.  Surprisingly, the very bedding I have been eyeing in on sale by A LOT PERCENT! I was in shock! They have it in the size I want and, with the saving, I can even purchase the two shams that will really make the bed look complete.
One added factor:  the name of the bedding in question is Esperanza.  Hope.
Now, I know this is a completely first-world example of God's extravagance.  No one really needs bedding of such cost.  BUT GOD.  But God knew about my heart.  He knew I didn't NEED such a thing.  Of course not.  But He is an extravagant God, one of great love and kindness and condescension.  He just gave me this little favor.  To tell me that He loves and that He cares.  And that He loves beauty and that He gave me this need for beauty and that He wants to give me His esperanza.  His hope.  
There is no hope but in Him, even if He hadn't given us these gorgeous yellow flowers and sunny blue skies and quilts that are filled with colors that quicken my spirit and remind me that HE is the LORD of beauty, the LORD of giving, the ONE who makes us able to see and receive such gifts.

Glory be to our kind and extravagant God, the Giver of all good things and the sustainer of our souls.  We don't deserve it and yet He pours it out, His grace, His provision, His understanding of our weakness and His amazing, undeserved Grace.

Linking up this week with Emily at Imperfect Prose!


  1. Leave it to you to find God in a bedspread! Love this post. And for someone who is/has been going through a lot of changes, I see hope and peace and even some joy. :)

    1. Love you, Suzie Q!!! Love to your dear family.

    2. And, "finding God in a bedspread"...I love that!

  2. Love that bedding!!! .. stealing "first world example of God's extravagance" xoxox

    1. Biz, isn't it happy?! I love it. Steal away.

  3. I love this. I totally get it. I have a love of pretty things. I felt guilty for so long, and NOW i'm thinking that God loves pretty things too.
    Love the bedding.

    1. Thanks for reading, JoAnn! I have really loved your last few posts. I sense esperanza in you, as well... I KNOW He loves pretty things, it's how He made us. Blessings to you, five-year mama!

  4. This just made my day...Esperanza! And yes...finding God in a bedspread, he knows us so well!

  5. Beautiful, Kit, beautiful. The Lord hears our hearts and give us esperanza in places when we need it. Que beuno es nuestro Senor!!!

  6. I love how God seems to give us the same message over and over until we've gotten it! Your bedspread is beautiful! And the meaning behind it makes it even more so..

    1. You are right, Alecia. He seems to make things turn up over and over til we really notice. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  7. you pull hope up around your shoulders each night to sleep.... oh, that's just perfect.

    1. Oh Tara! Thanks for your comment. I thought of it last night as I went to sleep. Perfect and hopeful and peaceful.

  8. oh kit i LOVE that you see God in these gifts... i do too. i see his beautiful gracious beating heart, and i think when you see those things, and praise him, it's like the one leper that turned around and came back and said "thanks." xo

  9. You make my heart sing. Thank you for that. So dear and so sweet. Yellow is my FAVORITE color.... but you probably figured that, my sweet kindred blogging friend.


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