
Sometimes, on a grumpy, cloudy Saturday, you just need to drag the whole family in the car, do your best to endure the fighting, and get to a place where people play tubas, wear leiderhosen, buy chicken hats, eat sausage and drink beer (or Big Red).  That's what we did last weekend, and I think it really helped.  You can try it, too.

We missed TubaFest?!?!
Oh, look someone's thumb next to the German-y people.
Exhibit A of said grumpiness.  Yes, she gets grumpy, people.
But there's nothin' a little $8 chicken hat won't cure!  That's what my German grandma used to say.

That is a suh-weeeet beard, bro!

Walter might still be suffering from the grumpies in this picture...Actually, he had cheered up by this time.  He is just being ironic.  He's a hipster, you know.

"Uh, can you help me with my leiderhosen?"

So many options!


  1. Missing your sweet family around here. Praying for an end to the grumpiness!


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