More City

Last summer we took the whole family to New York to visit Uncle Clay.  It was a tiring and sweaty two days, but we all LOVED it.  In fact, in school this year, when Theo had to write about his favorite place, he wrote this:
In Manhattan
by Theo S.

I hear taxis honking while I
walk down the sidewalk smelling
delicious smells flow out of 
doors open sights of New York City
big T.V.s
in Times Square, tasting hot dogs
with puffy buns
street meat stands vendors they 
sell giant pretzels
smelling grass in Central
Park tasting the greasy pizza
from Grand Central Station
admiring the Empire State
Building the Chrysler Building
and the Statue of Liberty.

Here are some of my people watching pics, amongst others.  We were playing a little game called "European or American?".  Try it, it's fun.


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