Baseball update
It was a beautiful New England summer day today, the first official day of summer. A perfect day for baseball!
Clayton's team won their game this morning against the Jays, 8-7. It was a very exciting game, as it was tied going into the last inning. Thankfully, our team had last ups and so we were able to bring in one more run to win the game! There was much rejoicing. Clayton had a hit, and also had a key fielding play in the 6th inning while playing right field and prevented a run from coming in. All of the Lookouts played so well!
Walter and the Red Sox played this evening against the Pirates. Unfortunately, I missed the entire game, as I was in the car, hanging out with a sleeping Lucy (she REALLY needed that nap!). But I did hear from John and others that Walter pitched the last three innings and did an amazing job! He had at least 6 strike outs. Great job, Walter!
So tomorrow will be full of baseball again: Both Walter and Clay have games at 2 pm and Theo has his final tee ball game at 3 pm. Not quite sure how we are going to work that out transportation-wise.
We also spent a few hours at the Arlington Reservoir, swimming and playing. Lucy loves it there. Though she was getting a little grumpy when she and Theo had this exchange:
Theo: "I love YOU, Lucy!"
Lucy: "It not be time for love you!'
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