A bloggy first

So here is my  very first meme.  What does that even mean?  Doesn't  meme mean "same" in French?  
Whatevs.  I've read many of these but have never participated...so here goes!  I read these questions at Hannah's Cultivating Home.  If you would like to do the same, link to your blog in the comments.  And while I'm talking about comments, go ahead and leave one so I know you were here.  I just crave approval and affirmation ;).

What were you doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago I was awaiting the birth of our first son, Walter.  I had just finished up the year teaching, and was looking forward to having the summer off before the baby's arrival.  That summer we also took a trip to Atlanta, where I had a college roommate reunion at Lynette's parents' lake house.  Then we went to Texas, where we had a baby shower with John's family.  And we DROVE back from Texas to Boston, with me seven months pregnant.  That was pretty long car trip.  I remember stopping somewhere in Virginia so that we could get Krispy Kreme and Chic-fil-A before leaving the South and returning to the godforsaken North, where one could not find either of those fine culinary establishments.  Two things:  How can I be old enough to have a almost 10-year-old?  And, I'm glad we can now get Chic-fil-A and Krispy Kreme.

Five things on my to-do list today
1.  Make 10 phone calls for my business
2.  Make something quick to bring to Bible study brunch (ideas?!  Quick!!)
3.  Sign up the boys for some summer activities:  Theo, swimming; Clayton; basketball or multi-sport; Walter, baseball
4.  Work with boys to go through school papers from the year.  I'm calling this the Great Paper Purge of 2008.
5.  Fold laundry, put away and continue to weed through all children's clothes in the process

Five snacks I enjoy
Ah, one of my favorite topics.  I'm going to go with everyday type snacks.
1.  Ice cream sandwiches.  We are eating a lot of these lately.
2.  Cheese and crackers
3.  Watermelon
4.  Apple or celery with peanut butter  
5.  Peanut butter and honey sandwich

Things I would do if I were a millionaire
Pay off all debt
Buy a house
INVEST wisely
Support our African friends in ministry
Pay for college and remove that burden from our children
Help my family pay off debt
Support many children in third world countries
I think that might use it all up...so that's where the investing wisely comes in!

Places I have lived
San Clemente, CA; Tucson, AZ; Atlanta, GA; Sevilla, Spain; South Hamilton, MA and our current town near Boston

Places I have visited
This is probably too many places to  list, but I'll make a stab.
Countries:  Mexico (Puerto Penasco and San Carlos), Canada (Toronto and Lake Champlain), Spain, Portugal, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Albania, Russia, Finland, Belgium, and the Netherlands.   And after this summer, I will add England (I was there as a baby, but have no memory of it)!
Notable places in the US:  Walla Walla, WA; Seattle, WA; Gettysburg, PA; Washington, DC; Panama City, FL; Portsmouth, NH; Acadia, ME; Little Rock, AR; Marble Falls, TX; Seguin, TX; lots of TX; Chicago, IL; Birmingham, AL; the Four Corners; La Jolla, CA; Santa Monica, CA; Hollywood, CA; Gunnison, CO; Niagara Falls, NY; upstate NY; NYC; Philadelphia, PA; Las Vegas, NV

Jobs I have had
Oh sheesh, here goes:  babysitter, candy striper (volunteer), house sitter, swimming coach, swimming teacher, lifeguard, gym equipment room worker, office assistant, grocery store display person (ha ha!), telemarketer (that lasted one week), pet sitter (very bad...Checkers!!!  More to that story), professional choir member, admissions assistant, teacher, tutor, educational consultant, MOTHER and WIFE of his youth!

That was fun!  Tell me, do you love memes or do you hate them?  I kind of find them fascinating.


  1. I was going to add this to our blog until I saw the jobs I've had question. I don't think I can remember them all at this point! But it was fun to see yours :)

  2. You are a blogging machine this week! I think I'm now all caught up. :)


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