I want, I want, I need, I need

In Target yesterday with Lucy, we came upon the shoe department. Lucy spied some VERY sparkly Converse sneakers in the ladies department.
"Mama!" she squealed. "You should get those!"

"Oh, really? Should I try them on?", as I took a pair from the shelf.

"Oh, Mama! You don't WANT those! You NEED those!"

* Edited to add: Bonus points for the saavy reader who can name the movie the title comes from! A prize! A BIG one! Okay, just kidding. Just fame and glory on my blog...read by TENS of people EVERY SINGLE WEEK.


  1. "What about Bob?"
    :o) Do I win??

    Lucy is priceless.

  2. You TOTALLY win, Cat!!!!!
    Yeah! Fame! Glory! Honor!!!!

  3. What about Bob!!! my family watched it so much growing up I think we could almost re-enact the whole thing verbatim!

  4. i found you through Boo Mama...I was responding and saw your name and then I loved the title of your blog and started reading...


    Thanks for dropping by my blog too...nice to make new friends


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