1000 Gifts...1000!

O World, I cannot hold thee close enough!
Thy winds, thy wide grey skies!
Thy mists that roll and rise!
Thy woods, this autumn day, that ache and sag
And all but cry with colour!  That gaunt crag
To crush!  To lift the lean of that black bluff!
World, World, I cannot get thee close enough!

- from "God's World", Edna St. Vincent Millay
with thanks to Kathy Alwood for pointing me to it!
 Continuing the list of thanks to my Father for these things:

0984  John's cooking
0985  prayers
0986  fellowship of the Body of believers
0987  the leaves!!  the leaves!!
0988  children noticing and admiring beauty
0989  the public bus
0990  a new toaster - 4 slices all at once!  Fancy, I know.
0991  RED:  chairs, shoes, necklaces, leaves, skies, paint, etc etc
0992  October baseball (it's fun even without the Red Sox!)
0993  Theo and his friend showing up at our house with a hamster in a hamster ball
0994  quiet
0995  a peaceful (yet busy) weekend; peace in business
0996  my students who are so awesome and funny and sweet
0997  thinking about our callings
0998  only TWO MORE til 1000!!!
0999  colored pumpkins
1000  our BURNING BUSH!  Isn't that the best name?

holy experience


  1. Yeah! You made it! And, yeah! I get to be the first person to notice. And, yeah! You used orange font in your opening quote which I also do sometimes, and now I KNOW I'm not dorky for doing it! Blessings, rich blessings.

  2. WOW! Congrats on making 1000!! Isn't it fun to stop and recognize all the blessings God has give us! I love your burning bush and yes! fellowship with believers is such a blessing! We are reading the Hiding Place right now and WOW! How much we take for granted!

  3. oh, the leaves are fun and gorgeous, no? and i love toasters that cook four at once! :) you bless. xo

  4. I always love your lists and the photos! Burning Bush is an awesome name.

  5. Hey, are you going on to 2,000 now? I mean really, why stop?! Let's see how many journals you can fill in your lifetime. :)

    I've been grateful for your lists and how they've grown me in thankfulness too. We're getting ready to hang our "Thankful tree" at the beginning of November. As we think of things we're thankful for we'll hang a leave with that on the tree. (And idea from a Thanksgiving craft book for kids.)

  6. Congrats on getting to 1000!! Hurray!


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