
While the title of this hymn may jar you, it's one of my favorites.  And certainly not too strongly worded.  I've included the verse that especially spoke to me in worship this morning.
Don't wait to come to Jesus.  If you feel your need of Him, it's by His grace and His gift.  There's no "fixing up" to have to come to Him; He wants you now, all a mess.

Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched
Joseph Hart

Let not conscience make you linger, nor of fitness fondly dream.  
All the fitness He requires is to feel your need of Him.  
This He gives you, this He gives you; 'tis the Spirit's rising beam.


  1. it's on of my favorites too :)

  2. a favorite of mine as well, Brian does a great rendition of this song for worship!

  3. I needed to hear that this morning. Thank you.

  4. Beautiful.....
    and it's a good thing.

  5. Greetings from Wordwise Hymns. Nice to see this great hymn quoted, and I appreciated your comment as well. I posted an article on it myself this morning, as well as answering a blogger's question about its origin.

    Modern editors don't like the word "wretched,' but it's perfectly appropriate, as I explain in my response to "Robert's" question.


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