Mid-March Gratitude

Must...get...blog...post up before I go to bed.  This time change is not so fun just yet.  Getting up when my body was telling me it was 4 am did not sit well with me.  Neither did it sit well with a few of my children, one of whom needed a lot of extra time with her blankie before she could be convinced to go to school.

Still, there is much to inspire gratitude, including gratitude itself.  Here I continue my list in the hopes that my heart will remain tuned to Him and how He ever loves.

#1254 - 1268

* that girl up there with the pink bathrobe and colorful headphones, singing along at the top of her lungs
* her predictability:  EVERY morning she awakens hungry and ready for Cheerios
* warm fire on a cold March night
* the snow is ALMOST ALL GONE!  We have a whole new landscape.
* getting ready for (freezing cold) baseball season
* Walter's successful navigation of two airports and his uneventful arrival in AZ!  
* talking about the gospel and how mind-blowing it is - is it still blowing your mind?!
* cleaned-up dining room
* hospitality and friends over for dinner
* red painted chair in the corner against white wall
* two friends who are observing Lent with 40 Days of Gratitude on Facebook
* God showing glimmers of answered prayer in unexpected ways
* being able to get up EVEN WHEN I'm really tired; I'm still ABLE
* keeping up with the laundry...for one week...that's over
* talking with our boys about forgiveness - "Go and sin no more" - no lectures involved
* my parents loving on Walter for a whole week; what a gift
* praying for the world - especially Japan


  1. it still blows my mind!!!! Thank you for this post, it's so joyful.

  2. That adorable face makes getting up early worth it. Hope the gospel always blows my mind. And I don't envy you--cold weather baseball. Glad the snow is almost gone.

  3. yes - mind blowing!

    "go and sin no more" - I need that discipline too. Thanks Kit!

  4. Rejoicing with you in the snow almost gone! And congrats to your son in his adventure. That's huge.

  5. I’m here from Ann’s – just took a while to get here :)

    And because it’s so true – it is the gift that keeps on giving – and it just never stops – and I applaud your efforts at taming the beast for one week - my favorite from your list this week is: * keeping up with the laundry...for one week...that's over

    Thank you for this, and God Bless and Keep you and all of yours.

  6. Thanks for your comments everyone!
    Joann, Jodi and Heather - glad all of our minds are blown! may they always be!
    Nancy - hope you're seeing some bare ground, too!
    Craig - your comments are always so thoughtful! Thanks for taking the time to visit and really read and comment!
    Blessings to you, friends!


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