First time for Fenway

We've lived in Boston for about 15 years.  In all that time, I had NEVER been to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park.  That is, until last week!
In case you don't know, Boston is baseball crazy.  The Red Sox are BELOVED in Boston and beyond, and Fenway is a ballpark of legend.
In the last couple of years, I had begun bugging John that I hadn't had the quintessential Boston experience of sitting in Fenway Park, preferably eating a Fenway Frank and cheering for the boys.
A few weeks ago, John bid on and won a couple of tickets to a game last week.  Oh joy!  He was finally taking me to a game and it was going to be awesome.
Except for the day of the game dawned to a bit of rain, and a very sick John.  He slept all day and told me he really didn't think he would be able to go.
I have to admit that I was quite sad at the news.  I debated with myself:  Should I abort?  Go by myself?  Bring a friend?  (And, oh yeah, sorry John was feeling so bad.  Nope, I was pretty much thinking about myself.  Sigh.)
I would have brought a child with me, but the one who really needs a fun outing (Theo) had a BIG event at school the next day and couldn't spare the sleep that would have been lost.
So I sent out email pleas, Facebook pleas, trying to find someone who might want to come with me.
Late in the afternoon, I heard from my dear friend and neighbor, Sherri, and she said she was up for the adventure!  Yay!  
We bundled up, drove to the T, and made our way to the park.

My VERY FIRST view of Fenway!

What could be more New England than Dunkin' Donuts and Fenway?

Fenway did not disappoint!  I can't wait to go back!
Thanks, Sherri, for being a pal.  I had the best time with you!


  1. I'm glad you finally got to go! Now you're a real Bostonian. :)

  2. Next time you need a date for Fenway PICK ME! My daughter just got married and moved to the Pittsburgh area which is where I'm from originally. She bought tickets to see the Pirates play the Red Sox. A homegrown New England girl, she said she couldn't believe she had to move to Pittsburgh to get to see a Red Sox game. May have something to do with Pirate tickets costing $18 and Red Sox tickets $90. Anyway, saw your note at my place. Why have I not met you at a PresWIC event yet, hmmmmm?????


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