New every morning

I'm dashing this off quickly before I have to wake everyone, but wanted to get in my thanks early.  No time to even post a picture!
Friday night my upper school students presented the play we had been writing and working on for months.
Saturday and Sunday I had the privilege of attending our church's women's retreat this past weekend.
This morning I have the privilege of caring for my husband and my family, and putting into practice all that the Lord reminded me of over the weekend.

Giving thanks today for the ways He always loves:

* hearing birds in the morning
* students who put their hearts into their work and performance
* appreciative audience!
* early morning drive with good coffee and friends
* time ALL ALONE in a warm field to notice creation, to sleep, to bask in God
* hearing the gospel again and again
* learning about each other, sharing each other's burdens
* making stuff with hot glue and laughing
* coming back to my little dusty children and my hard-working husband


  1. Beautiful and sweet.
    Just visiting from Ann's.
    Love the look and feel of your blog.
    Love that the words are big enough for me to read without having to touch my nose to the screen. ;)


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