Vacation Diary #5

Today was a lazy vacation day.  This was our breakfast. I wish you could taste it.

In fact, we're getting to the point in the trip when the days start to all blur together.  That's a good thing, I think?  We lazed around the house, sat outside reading, and took a short walk into the plaza (only 1/3 of a mile away). 

Today began the annual Fiestas de Taos, when all the  old families and especially the Hispanic culture of Taos are celebrated. Taos Plaza is closed to vehicles and vendors crowd the streets. There are processions, a Reina and Princesas are crowned (that's Queen and Princesses) and performances from now until Sunday. 

Then we had dinner at home on the portal. It was chilly enough to wear a sweatshirt! Then we adjourned to the front porch to watch the colors of the sunset. 

Tomorrow we have the amazing Taos Farmers' Market AND we celebrate Clayton's 15th birthday! 


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