My Book Stack

Do you have a stack of books next to your bed that you mean to read?  I always do.  I go through seasons when I hardly read at all, and then others when I'm a reading fool.  

The summer is always a good time for me to read.  Three books read over the summer that stand out to me are:  Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson; The God of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy and Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger.  I recommend them all, for different reasons.  In Enger's book, the penultimate chapter is a moving description of what heaven might be like.  I wept while reading it, and even wept while reading it for the second and third times.  It made me want heaven so much.  And it's only one author's vision!  Imagine how wonderful it will be in reality when we are there.  I found it comforting, and especially thought of my dear friends who have lost parents or children in the last year.  I wondered if they might find it a comfort as well.

So here is what is in my stack currently:
Marriage to a Difficult Man, The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards, Elisabeth D. Dodds (don't you love that title?) (currently reading)
How to Eat, Nigella Lawson (currently reading)
The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell (just started)
Outgrowing the Ingrown Church, C. John Miller
The Thing Itself:  On the Search for Authenticity, Richard Todd
Respectable Sins, Jerry Bridges
The Heart of a Servant Leader, C. John Miller (ongoing reading)
In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan


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