Thankful Tuesday

Well, I missed Multitude Monday yesterday.
So it's on to Thankful Tuesday for me.
The numbers of our blessing in our journal at home and the list on my blog are a bit off...In our home Gratitude Journal, we hit #500 this week!

0412 Fernando Ortega songs

0413 laughing really loudly

0414 a dear friend at church who just got a job after LONG months of looking

0415 warm fire

0416 hot tea

0417 slippers and knee socks

0418 blankets

0419 reading the paper

0420 all those things I just listed seem so luxurious to me!

0421 getting cozy all together in the living room

0422 Martin Luther

0423 the gospel

0424 a roof to stay dry from the rain

0425 our friend Annie and how she loves our family

0426 the "baby" song by Margaret Glaspy (new music introduced to Lucy by our friend, see above)

0427 a warm and sunny weekend

0428 our neighbors

0429 seeing the neighbors again after a long winter

0430 artistic and creative people, like this one

0431 hearing from an old student who tells me he can't believe how much Spanish he remembers! Yay!

0432 John being the head of our family

0433 my identity in Christ

0434 things outside are starting to GROW!!

0435 seeing beauty in the lives of others

0436 Lucy re-telling her Sunday School story to me

0437 being able to get home from church on the bus

0438 laughing with the boys

0439 listening to Lucy play with her dolls

Abundant joy, never ending thanks!


  1. Love your list...I've been listening to Fernando Ortega in the car on my way to work and back. What a great way to focus our hearts! And thanks for the shout out!! :)


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