Lucy's End of Year

Last week Lucy finished up her year of school.  She loved it so much.  At dinner when we would each report on our highs and lows of the day, more often than not she would say something like, "My high point was...everything.  And my low was...I didn't have a low." 
She is really such a ray of sunshine, that girl!
She had a wonderful, soft-spoken and patient teacher, who led the class through so much amazing learning this year.
Toward the end of the year, the kindergarteners did a learning expedition on Noah's Ark.  They read, they studied, they drew, they re-told, they sculpted, they memorized, and they colored.
Here are some pictures of their exhibition night, where they shared their learning with all the parents and the rest of the school.
I'm so grateful for a great year for our girl.  It was a real joy to be in the same school as her, to see her during the day and to interact a bit with her and her classmates.

Can you see that monkey sitting back there?  That's Lucy's sculpture.  She became a monkey expert for this expedition.


  1. So cool! I might have to copy for our "school." that pic with her friends is so sweet. :)

  2. Thank you Kit! I loved it all. It makes us feel not so far away.
    Mom Judy


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