This is it.

Sadly, summer is actually over.  It's my very favorite season and I hate to see it go.
But I will rejoice in the change, rejoice in the order God brings to the seasons, the order He gives to our days, even when it all seems like chaos.
I haven't counted in a while, but have been feeling my need to remember the ways in which the Father loves.  Hear me now:
* coffee (how many times has that been on the list?!?)
* waking up and eventually not feeling like I am going to DIE (too early!)
* peace from God
* trusting in Him with all the new school year busy-ness
* Proverbs and all the widsom
* restoring order
* using timers to help me get things done
* making all THIS every morning
* God meeting us in our WEAKNESS
* this blog and the friends I have met through it

I feel that there is more, but I don't have more on my physical list (yes, I have an actual notebook).  That will have to wait til later in the week.

Well, like I said, I need to show you the rest of our summer pics.  Here they are in fast forward.  Hee hee!
Dale Chihuly exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts.  Oh my!  If you ever have the chance to see his art anywhere, PLEASE do it!
The boys sat on the roof.  Don't worry, no one had fallen off.  Yet.
We went to NYC to visit Uncle Clay and Robin (my bro and his girlfriend).  Here are the two Clays in Long Island City, Queens.
This is how Lucy likes to get around the big city.  Lucky her.  Poor John.

Hey kids!  Hope you all enjoy that over-priced ice cream!  Good thing you are all dang cute.

This is Lucy re-enacting the Statue of Liberty.  Pretty good, huh?
We also saw some dear, dear friends from college and from seminary.  But, of course, I didn't take any pictures of that.
Good-bye summer!  Hello, fall!


  1. LOVE that family picture. Wish I could hug you tight - for now here's a cyber hug: *HUG*

    And I second your Chihuly motion; they had and exhibit here a few years back in the Flower Conservatory. It was amazing mixed into the botanical exhibits.

  2. I love your lunch assembly line! Its been almost one year since we saw you at the Allreds. I miss you!

  3. Sigh. It was a good one. Loved the pics of the cotton candy. Thankful, too, to have met you through your blog.

  4. Caroline, I miss you, too! Wish we lived closer.
    Nancy, it was a good summer! Now to embrace fall...


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