10, 9, 8...

This is the big weekend!  Our church will have its first public worship service this Sunday! We have been looking toward this event ever since we arrived in Kerrville 10 months ago.  

While the launch of the worship service is very exciting, it's not all there is.  I liken it to a wedding and a marriage.  Sometimes the wedding gets all the hype and excitement and glory.  And then it is over in a day.  But a marriage is meant to last for years and years, to deepen and grow and improve.  

Our first service is like the wedding.  It's going to be celebratory and fun and we'll have a cake and a party afterward!  But what we intend is for our church community to grow in commitment, to deepen in its understanding of the gospel, and to become sweeter and sweeter as God moves in us.

While I am glad that our days of visiting a new church every week are coming to an end, this is really only the beginning.  The school year is ending; our church life is beginning.

May we labor with the energy of God!  May many, many friends come into our midst and learn to follow God with us!  May men and women and children be set free in the gospel of grace, free to be fully who God made them to be!

Here is what our house looks like the week before the church launch.  I have a feeling the back of our van is going to be full of plastic bins for a while here...

All the church stuff you need!  Plates for the bread and wine...and a coffee urn!  
Trays for the cookies, sugar dispenser, fake sugar...Thank you, Amazon!
Our bulletins! These may look familiar to some of you.  And for good reason!  I love our logo.  You should see it in color.  Really pretty.

Bouncy house ready to go for the party after the service!  For what is a church launch without a bouncy house?!

Amazing flowers from Hawaii to celebrate our first service.  My dear in-laws, who are a part of our church, sent these with a card that said, "A King's bouquet for the worship of the King." Love it.
A dear, sweet note from an old friend, coming just in time to encourage me.  Means the WORLD to know that people are praying!  

We all can't wait for Sunday.  I keep reminding myself that even when Sunday is over, we're going to do it all again in six days...with God's help!  Oh, may He help us, guide us, show us how to love our neighbors, encourage us, and may His Kingdom come!


  1. Like! So excited for y'all!!

  2. I can't wait to come and worship with you and hear John preach in TEXAS! Will be thinking of you as you prepare your hearts tomorrow and on Sunday as you celebrate. Love you!


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