(Day after) St. Nicholas Day Thanks

If thou wilt foil thy foes with joy,
Then flit not from this heavenly Boy.
 - from "This Little Babe", A Ceremony of Carols, Benjamin Britten

Look what St. Nicholas brought!
#1074  sleep
#1075  popping awake just as the alarm is about to go off; God's mercy
#1076  conferring with my brother early in the morning as we remember and talk about our Grandfather who just passed away
#1077  working hard
#1078  Advent wreath at church
#1079  singing in choir at church (a once-a-year occurrence)
#1080  boys helping 
#1081  new candle in kitchen
#1082  listening to Lucy making sense of the world
#1083  husband who helps me not overcommit
#1084  colleagues who reassure
#1085  black, old school, felt tip pens
#1086  noisy children in my home
#1087  repentance and forgiveness EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

PS I'm missing all of you.  I've been up to my eyeballs in this:


  1. #1083. Yes and amen! I love that St. Nicholas fills sneakers.

  2. I got some of those gold coins from TJ's for Corinne's stocking. :-)

  3. Yes and amen to #1 - sleep. You poor lady. Being a school teacher is incredibly hard work. My daughter is a nursery school teacher and a pastor's wife. EVery time we skype, she looks so tired.


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