Oh, Lord. Really, this is the subject of the first post? Okay, only 8 minutes.
I love the arts. I have seen the power of the arts not only in my own life, but in the lives of others.
Example: Last year, just before Christmas break, the drama department at our high school was putting on a Christmas production. I cannot remember the name of it.
Anyway, one night, I thought to myself, "I ought to go back to school [after teaching most of the day] and see the drama production. I don't really know any of the kids in the show, but I bet I will really enjoy it."
I had to talk myself into it, because I was tired, it was a weeknight, and I didn't have anyone who was counting on me to be there.
So I brought Lucy and her friend and we went to watch the show. And it was amazing. They amazing thing about it wasn't necessarily the quality of the show or the acting, but the HEART which those high school students put into the meaning of what they were doing.
It just made my heart sing, as I thought about all that the students must have processed and thought about as they learned their lines, did their blocking, and prepared to bring their product to their friends, parents, teachers and others.
It made me weep, to see the difference that it made in my life, to have witnessed their work. Later that night, I texted their drama teacher, a friend of mine, to tell her how much it had meant to me and to tell her that while at first I had worried about being too tired, deep down I KNEW that seeing teenagers pour themselves out would give me ENERGY. And it did. She told me that my message brought tears to several of the cast members eyes, as they could hear the effect that their hard work had had on another human.
So, yeah, I have probably a lot more to say about the arts. But what came to mind was the POWER of the arts to encourage, to actually BRING COURAGE to the hearts of others. We need it.
I love the arts. I have seen the power of the arts not only in my own life, but in the lives of others.
Example: Last year, just before Christmas break, the drama department at our high school was putting on a Christmas production. I cannot remember the name of it.
Anyway, one night, I thought to myself, "I ought to go back to school [after teaching most of the day] and see the drama production. I don't really know any of the kids in the show, but I bet I will really enjoy it."
I had to talk myself into it, because I was tired, it was a weeknight, and I didn't have anyone who was counting on me to be there.
So I brought Lucy and her friend and we went to watch the show. And it was amazing. They amazing thing about it wasn't necessarily the quality of the show or the acting, but the HEART which those high school students put into the meaning of what they were doing.
It just made my heart sing, as I thought about all that the students must have processed and thought about as they learned their lines, did their blocking, and prepared to bring their product to their friends, parents, teachers and others.
It made me weep, to see the difference that it made in my life, to have witnessed their work. Later that night, I texted their drama teacher, a friend of mine, to tell her how much it had meant to me and to tell her that while at first I had worried about being too tired, deep down I KNEW that seeing teenagers pour themselves out would give me ENERGY. And it did. She told me that my message brought tears to several of the cast members eyes, as they could hear the effect that their hard work had had on another human.
So, yeah, I have probably a lot more to say about the arts. But what came to mind was the POWER of the arts to encourage, to actually BRING COURAGE to the hearts of others. We need it.
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