I am actually not feeling very grateful at this exact moment, so this is an excellent prompt for me tonight.
It's been so long since I kept a list, which I used to do regularly.
Here are ways I see the Father's love:
1. our house and the way it accommodates us and all the folks we have over every week
2. the ability to have community group each week and the way it ministers to others
3. our dog, who brings us joy and laughter and whose snoring is the sound of pure contentment and rest. Also, he makes the very best foot rest.
4. lots of friends in town and seeing many of them this weekend at a fun event downtown
5. high school bands and band nerds. They are awesome.
6. my boys trying to calm me down when I get all worked up about people not doing what they should do. It's called being a nag. Sigh.
7. Lucy and her friends making crafts together this afternoon.
8. our beds and sheets and pillows
9. our new refrigerator and our new dishwasher
10. hot water and showers
11. making a delicious vegetarian meal tonight that everyone actually enjoyed
12. cleaning out clutter
13. singing in church today
14. new music and learning harmonies
15. the steady noise of acorns falling on our roof all night long
16. our big live oak tree
17. Theo's having time with his friend
18. when I have cash in my wallet
19. sleep
20. friends from a long time ago who still remember me and reach out
21. my mom and pop
22. my baby nephew, Ralph
23. grace for today and bright hope for tomorrow, even when it doesn't feel like it
24. swiffers
25. forgiveness for my grumpiness. I need it.
It's been so long since I kept a list, which I used to do regularly.
Here are ways I see the Father's love:
1. our house and the way it accommodates us and all the folks we have over every week
2. the ability to have community group each week and the way it ministers to others
3. our dog, who brings us joy and laughter and whose snoring is the sound of pure contentment and rest. Also, he makes the very best foot rest.
4. lots of friends in town and seeing many of them this weekend at a fun event downtown
5. high school bands and band nerds. They are awesome.
6. my boys trying to calm me down when I get all worked up about people not doing what they should do. It's called being a nag. Sigh.
7. Lucy and her friends making crafts together this afternoon.
8. our beds and sheets and pillows
9. our new refrigerator and our new dishwasher
10. hot water and showers
11. making a delicious vegetarian meal tonight that everyone actually enjoyed
12. cleaning out clutter
13. singing in church today
14. new music and learning harmonies
15. the steady noise of acorns falling on our roof all night long
16. our big live oak tree
17. Theo's having time with his friend
18. when I have cash in my wallet
19. sleep
20. friends from a long time ago who still remember me and reach out
21. my mom and pop
22. my baby nephew, Ralph
23. grace for today and bright hope for tomorrow, even when it doesn't feel like it
24. swiffers
25. forgiveness for my grumpiness. I need it.
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