Help for Haiti

I want to introduce you to Paige Livesay, 15 year old extraordinaire.

I don't personally know Paige. But I've been reading her mom and dad's blog since the earthquake happened in Haiti (January 12). Troy and Tara Livesay (and their SEVEN children) have lived in Haiti for the last four years, working with Heartline Minstries. They LOVE Haiti. Because of an adoption that is in the works, the Livesays are in the States indefinitely. But they are all longing to be back home (meaning Haiti).

Paige has committed to run a half marathon in June. She is raising funds for houses in her beloved adopted homeland.

Paige's original fund raising goal (a noteworthy $6500) was quite quickly smashed, and now she has raised almost $30,000!! A housing company has offered to match her funds. So if she raises enough for 25 homes, 50 will actually be built. Heartline Minstries, along with others, will be working to determine how these houses can be used to the most benefit in and around Port-au-Prince.

Of course, she still has to run 13 miles! She is training with her mom and working hard.

I'm posting this to see if you might go read about Paige, her family (please poke around on their blog; it's full of amazing, encouraging, heart-wrenching stories), the work in Haiti and consider donating to her cause. I plan to give myself because I have read enough to believe in all that Heartline Ministries is doing in Haiti and I love knowing exactly what my money will do. And I also LOVE supporting a young, courageous girl who has a heart for the Lord and heart for others.

Go, Paige, go!


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