
People, I am posting this FROM the U.K.!  That's right, we have arrived, we are in the mother country. 
Our direct flight from Boston to Heathrow Airport was quite pleasant, made so by the most solicitous, sincere and kind British Airways flight attendants.  Here is a sample of the usual airplane banter, but with a British twist:

(to be read with a lovely English accent in your head; think BBC)

As they interrupt the in-flight entertainment for an announcement:  "We are most sorry for the interruption, but we just did want to give you the update that blah, blah, blah..."

The pilot's announcement:  "Good afternoon, folks.  This is your pilot, Phil Channery. [when do pilots tell you their first and last names?] It's a lovely day for flying, and you'll see that we're just passing over Liverpool, on our way into London..."

As the movies end and we begin to descend into London:  "Well, we do hope that you've been able to get some rest on this flight.  And, if not, then we do hope that you enjoyed the movies that you've been able to watch.  And, if not that, then we hope you've enjoyed the lovely croissant with jam and tea."  (Just kidding on that croissant part.  But the rest is true)

Anyway, we sailed through immigration, despite the humiliating signs for the two types of pass ports:  EU countries, and All Other Countries INCLUDING US and other countries.  What happened to our special relationship, England?!

Well, our team is beckoning me to come to pub and how can I resist?  More pictures and updates to come, including my very first guest post!  Here's a hint:  "Kit and Cat in the UK".

Love to all, and keep praying.  This is going to get challenging.


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