
John and I returned to Boston late Tuesday night, after the LEAP conference ended on Monday evening.  What an amazing ten days!  I'm looking forward to processing everything that we saw and did and learned.  I realize that my posts while in London were rather frivolous, but that in no way reflects the whole tenor of the trip!  I do have to say that joy and fun were a big part of it, though.

Yesterday morning we had a sweet, sweet reunion with our children.  What a blessing to hold little Lucy in my arms again, and to have our cute boys jump into bed with us, tumbling all over each other to tell us of all their adventures, show us their newest bruises and bumps and get in LOTS of snuggles.  They all seemed so much bigger, and Lucy seemed to be talking so much.

I don't know if you've experienced this with your own kids, but I find that when talking to my children on the phone, they sound so much smaller, so tiny.  Their voices seem higher than in real life, and it makes me feel that they are still just my babies.  It was strange to hold them again, and feel how lanky and big they are!  

John took the day off to recoup, and we all just enjoyed being together, reading lots of books to Theo and Lucy, doing a bit of grocery shopping, and playing together.  We played with Clayton's new birthday presents, showed pictures of our trip and gave the children the presents we had brought for them:  a tiny kameez (Indian tunic or shirt) for Lucy, soccer jerseys for the boys and English candy for all.  I scored some perfume at the duty-free shop in Heathrow. 

I am so thankful for our trip and I am so thankful for our family.  I'm looking forward to life at home, jet-lag and all!  Cheers!


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