Because a Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart

So go the immortal lyrics of Veggie Tales' "Madame Blueberry".  
The children are watching said video on Netflix as I type and I am reminiscing about the toddler/Veggie Tales days.  I'm so grateful for that time.

I wanted to update about my big birthday bash that was a little over a week ago.  
The party was SO FUN...that we didn't take ONE.  SINGLE.  PICTURE.  I'm not kidding.  Not even ONE of me on my 40th.
But that's okay, because we had such a good time with lots of friends, good food and drink and time together.
Instead, here are some picture of the aftermath:

Yep, definitely afterwards.
Oh wait, this is actually before anyone got there.

Oh wait, I lied about not one picture.  This one is actually DURING the party.
This is what happened after the shouting.
  This week is a special week to give thanks, and so our list continues to grow.  I'm especially grateful to Ann and the rest of the Gratitude Community.  We began our list last November.  What a difference a year makes in one's outlook when one is looking to the Giver of all good gifts!

#1047  grandparents
#1048  toast
#1049  dogs
#1050  making do
#1051  Veggie Tales and Madame Blueberry
#1052  Tia Luz and Uncle Derek are here!
#1053  November full moon - makes the darkness at 4:30 pm a bit more bearable
#1054  time for our kids to see their best friends
#1055  talking with family about faith
#1056  the timeless themes of God's Word
#1057  remembering my Grandfather - Samuel Douglas Cornell, April 16, 1915 - November 12, 2010
#1058  fall flowers on the table
#1059  family.  HERE.  WITH.  US!!!!
#1060  sad and happy - my baby will be FIVE tomorrow - sniff.
#1061  a thankful heart is a happy heart - it's true


  1. You party! Veggie Tales came out when my youngest (now a 15-year-old) was a toddler. She was fixated on Madame Blueberry and I took advantage. Whenever she fussed, I would say, "Don't be a blueberry!" It worked like a charm and slightly traumatized her (I'm ashamed to say). She would look in the mirror to see if she was turning blue. Bad mommy...


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