Thanks on a Monday

It's Monday and time to continue to list the reasons for thanks and praise.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that my 7th and 8th grade students had begun their own gratitude list.  I'm so glad to report that they are adding to the list on their own and are already up to #125 or so.  

#1001  turning on the heat!!! (finally!  I know some of you are more hard-core than we are, but it's SO NICE to get warm)
#1002  new flannel sheets
#1003  getting to organize even one tiny corner of my home
#1004  colleagues at school
#1005  learning more about my craft (teaching)
#1006  my mom's sending me a new bathrobe
#1007  my birfday is coming up!
#1008  new bloggy friends
#1010  helping son with homework; he is funny!
#1011  meeting friends on the street on the Hollow Weenie
#1012  church, church, church (warts and all)

yep, that's us on the subway in our costumes

holy experience


  1. You're the awesome-est jellyfish I've ever seen!

    This month we're learning "Now Thank We All Our God" - I'm glad to have that song rattling around in my head all day. Thanks keeps us grounded; I appreciate these posts.



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