Birthday Thanks

Today's my birthday; so much to be thankful for today.  

#1013  a wedding (congrats to Jenny and Mac!  It was beautiful)
#1014  the wedding liturgy; "Jesus himself adorned this way of life..."
#1015  Southern folks
#1016  Southern folks in Boston
#1017  time change makes it easier to get up!  
#1018  sunset so red
#1019  birthday present anticipation:  "Mom, I can't tell you what we got, but..."
#1020  trip to NYC this week with 7/8th graders!
#1021  newly sharpened pencils
#1022  8-year-old so proud of cleaned room
#1023  8-year-old serving siblings so willingly
#1024  husband getting up early with me (a birthday present?!)
#1025  growing older in the Lord is a great grace
#1026  8-year-old excitement:  "Mom, you're 40 now!  This is so great!"  Oh, to always feel like that.
#1027  birthday love from my students and co-workers
#1028  we're going to see "The Lion King" in New York!
#1029  my sweet in-laws are coming this week for a good, long visit
#1030  boy, Facebook really give you the birthday love, doesn't it?

More pictures to come, I hope.  Feeling a bit hurried with the trip later this week and busy weekend following.


  1. Happiest of birthdays! I was 40 once. Now I'm sneaking up on eccentric.

    I'm glad you like newly sharpened pencils. Have fun in the Big Apple!

  2. Happy Birthday, Dear Friend xo!


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