Close to the chest

Hey again, friends!  I know, two posts in one day...what in the world has gotten into me?!
I've been pretty quiet on the blog lately, mostly because big things have been happening for our family, and I haven't been ready/able to talk about them publicly.  I find that I just can't fake it and act like everything is life-as-usual when my heart is going in all different directions.  In other words, I've been holding my cards VERY close to the chest as I process things.
This summer our family will be moving to the Hill Country of Texas, to a small town called Kerrville.  Kerrville is about an hour northwest of San Antonio and is a wonderful place.  Amazingly, John's mom and dad have owned property in the town for about 10 years and plan to build there.  We're going to live near family!  Wow!  Also, the tag line of my blog, "Desert Girl Living in New England", is going to have to change.
The story of how God has called us to this place is a pretty good one, so I've created a page here where you can read the letter John and I wrote to people whom we asked to pray for us over the last year as we sought the next place for us to minister.
The cool thing is that John and I feel so sure that this is where we are being called by God.  However, that doesn't change the fact that this whole things scares the pants off us!  Already, I have been challenged to trust the Lord as I see the areas of my life that I really count on to make things "okay".  
John and I have lived here since we were just youngsters, newly married.  Sixteen years later and lots of jobs and ministry later, we have four children who have never lived anywhere else!  Boston truly feels like home to us, so this leaving process is going to hurt.  Seriously. 
I will be writing more about the process and what God is teaching me, now that many of our plans have been (somewhat) solidified.  Dear readers, if you pray, would you pray for us as we go through this transition?  In the next few months, we need to find a place to live, schools for the children, say goodbye to a place and people we deeply love, pack up and move, and, oh yeah, start a new CHURCH!  Man, oh man, am I feeling my weakness and need.  Must be right where He wants me.


  1. "Desert Girl Living in a Foreign Country"? Did you hear that recent NPR piece about the secession of Texas--hee hee. Of course we will be praying for you! If you have not done it already, make a timeline (but not the sucky one that FB has) of the move, and we can be praying through each step with you. Love you, sister! God is more than able!

    1. Kerry, thanks for your prayers. We will be setting up some kind of timeline for prayer and will include you and Tim on the list!

  2. We'll be praying! And it might be funny to change your tagline to "Desert girl living in the desert." But it has been argued that perhaps I don't have the most normal sense of humor. :-P

    God's blessings upon all of you over the next months.


    1. Heather, love your suggestion. It crossed my mind, so we must have similar senses of humor.
      Haven't made our travel itinerary yet, but would love to make a stop in Pittsburgh! Thanks for praying!

  3. you.are.precious. you know that! can't wait to see how God prepares the way for you and your sweet family. i will be PRAYING!

    1. Alisa, you are the best. Thanks for praying! So so grateful!

  4. Kit, I am so excited to hear this news! We will have to come visit y'all sometime after you get here! How about desert girl living in God's country? ;). First rule of fitting in in Texas-become fiercely in love with the state.

    1. Kristen, we would LOVE to see you guys at some point. How far is Waco, I wonder? Must get caught up on my TX geography...
      Somehow, I am familiar with that rule of fitting in...I've been living with it now for 17 years...:)

    2. Well, I think we're still about 3 1/2 hours apart (but that cuts about 20 hours off the current distance!). We are hoping to take a trip to Sea World in San Antonio sometime this fall, though, and maybe we could swing by Kerrville during that trip.

  5. I can't believe I only just now saw this! I have visions of our families meeting up in Fredericksburg to hike Enchanted Rock! And Austin is just two hours away!!! The Standridges in Texas?! This is the best news I've heard all day.

  6. Those of us in Kerrville feel really blessed that you are coming. Leaving the familiar is hard, and starting a new thing is scary, but you know there are several dozen of us here who are holding you and our new church up in prayer, trusting that this is God's plan and knowing he is in control of all of it. Can't wait till you all get here!

    1. Hi Deborah! Thanks for reading! The prayers of you guys in Kerrville mean the world to us. We are really getting excited to get there and get to know you guys!


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