Easter 2012

I know I probably shouldn't start this yet, but...it was our last Easter in Boston.
I determined sometime last week that this Easter I would not be able to put on the whole she-bang.  I mean, I wanted, needed to celebrate the Resurrection, but I just knew I couldn't do all the baking, the cooking, the cleaning and the primping that I normally do.  Not this year.  I told John that I wished we could - gasp! - go to a restaurant for Easter dinner.
Most years, John and the boys go to the sunrise service at church while Lucy and I (and Uncle Clay and soon-to-be AUNT Robin!) get some sleep and then make sure everything is pitch-perfect for the meal later on.
This year, we let Uncle Clay and Robin sleep while all the rest of us got up at 5 am and made it to church for the sunrise service and church breakfast to follow.  We even scored a full tray of French toast to bring home!
We came back, found our Easter baskets and went back to church for the 10:30 service.
It was possibly Clay and Robin's last time to go to Christ the King with us.
Stop it, Kit!
Then, instead of going to a restaurant, we went to our best friends' church to take part in their Easter lunch.
It was a great weekend, a great day.
Jesus lives!  Death is dead, swallowed up in victory! 
This is what you do on Good Friday on the way to church on the T.

Holy Saturday, waiting for Easter...and Uncle Clay and Robin.

Two pretty ladies! 

No, it's not a white suit.  It is very light tan.

It's Easter til he comes again!


  1. I love the happy shoes:) Next year there will be new memories. In my year of "new" I am excited for you. It's okay to mourn the loss. You are loved.

    1. Thanks, Alisa! Happy shoes from Target! Yay! I need your excitement til mine kicks in. Which I know it will! Love you!

  2. Kit, part of my job is helping people to "finish well" before they move on to the next thing. I've written a book about it (am looking for an agent, blah, blah, process, process) -- two things: 1. Grief can be the fertilizer for our souls -- grieve away! and 2. if you'd like to see a really rough draft of the book to help you as you finish well, just email me and I'll send it to you. Amy

    1. Amy,
      thanks for commenting here! and thanks for your email...can't wait to read what you've written. My soul is going to be WELL fertilized...

  3. I'm with your friends, mourn all you want. You are walking through all of your "lasts" in Boston. Reading this brings up exactly how I was feeling this time 2 years ago about the same place and many of the same people. It's a funny place to be emotionally: sad to leave, happy that there are so many people you love, and no one is dying, so it's not that kind of final-good-bye grief. Anyway, it's an odd experience, so roll with whatever emotion you've got going in the moment. :) Love you much and will pray that you do finish well ... and begin well in your new home too!

    1. Thanks, Heather! God has been giving me some good support through the blog and things I'm reading as I grieve. It is much more powerful and real than I thought it would be. I also want to help my kids see that it is okay to be sad and cry...but that that doesn't mean God is no longer calling us to TX! It's hard for them to see why God would make us so sad...

  4. Hey Kit, good to see you. All the photos are delightful and made you feel as if you were there, looking on. :) Love the new banner, too.

    1. Hey Jodi! Good to see you, too. I've missed you.

  5. As someone who didn't get to know that last Easter at CTK would be my last for now, I loved seeing all these pictures. The Easter sunrise service at CTK has always been my favorite (followed closely by the tennebrae service on Friday night). I'm glad you were able to go and enjoy it!

    1. Jenny, the Tenebrae service this year was really powerful. I felt my heart racing as the Scriptures were read and the sanctuary became darker and darker. Powerful.


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