Oh yeah, it's Thursday!

Hey everyone!  If you've been reading for any length of time, you know that Thursday is my favorite day because it's the one day I have to be home (or not) and "get things done".  Or not.  We don't always have to be getting things done, do we?  But it sure is hard to remember that sometimes.
Anyway, by way of update:  things are a little bit nuts around here.
John is away this weekend being EXAMINED by the presbytery in South Texas.  This will be his new cohort of colleagues when we move, so he is understandably a bit nervous and really wants it to go well.  But he is also excited to see our new church people in Kerrville and get some time with them.  They had their first official video chat a few weeks ago, and we have even named our new church!  It is very exciting to have a name for which to pray and dream about. I will unveil the name later, after this weekend makes everything OFFICIAL.  You know how I like to be official.
Well, last weekend I was away at our church's women's retreat.  The pictures from last Sunday's post were from my time there.  It was rich and such a gift.  Not only did I LOVE getting to know some new women, but I felt very loved and cared for by the Lord and by dear friends.  So thankful.
This weekend I'm going to a retreat but in a different capacity...I'm going to be the SPEAKER!


For some reason, my friend, Meda, and I said that we would be the speakers for the women's retreat of a church in our area.  John and the pastor of this church are dear, dear friends, so John is the one who put us onto this.  Of course, back when we agreed to do this, I had no idea that we would be moving and going through all kinds of transition.  So, my prayer has been that God would just use EVERY CRAZY THING that is going to on in my life to inform these talks and to help me and Meda connect with the dear women of Pepperell Christian Fellowship.  I was affirmed in that prayer when I asked my college friend, Holly, to pray for me.  She is a gifted writer and a wise woman.  She offered me this in an email:
My prayer for you is that your heart will break open and you will not be afraid to let its contents speak.  All that is happening in your life right now can be used, must be used, because it is part of your story.  Praying courage on you, my friend, so that you can step into your storyteller shoes.
What?!  Her prayer lines up exactly with mine, and so I feel that God is going to glorify Himself this weekend.  May it be so.  Selah.


  1. Kit, I wish I could be there to see and hear what God says through you and Meda. It would also be fun to be part of it. I spoke at a one-day retreat in March--and God really blessed all of the hard work that our team put into it. The women felt very "loved." May God surround you all with His great love and care, and some good laughter, too. xx Love you!

    1. Kerry, it would be so fun if you were there with us! Thanks for prayers. I am going to be up late tonight doing last-minute writing/tweaking. I need the Spirit!

    2. Please let me know how it all turned out! Headed to Ithaca tomorrow for Emma's first Regatta of the Spring season. Go Pittsford!

  2. Praying for you & Meda & the ladies attending!

  3. Kit, I am praying too. The Lord never wastes information, grief, joy, mistakes, victories.....He can glorify Himself in it all. I know you will hear Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." Memaw is praying too.

  4. "My prayer for you is that your heart will break open and you will not be afraid to let its contents speak. All that is happening in your life right now can be used, must be used, because it is part of your story. Praying courage on you, my friend, so that you can step into your storyteller shoes."



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