
Be filled with the Spirit...singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart, giving thanks always always and for everything to God the Father...  Ephesians 5:18-20

From my favorite devotional:
Do we sing enough?  Are we a singing company?...Singing people are fed, they "feed on faithfulness." They are strong and glad and always have something to give others.  The world is full of sadness.  Let us be a singing company even while we grieve with those who are grieving.
Amy Carmichael, Edges of His Ways

Here are some of my reasons to sing this morning, even while worries and anxieties press in and clamor for my heart.  Let me sing them away!
A Russian play dough guy, made by Clay

Huge teenager making a cake because he was bored.

Playground time.  Because she is the youngest, she doesn't get much time with me at the playground.  I forgot how fun it is to watch her play outside.
A neighbor's tulips 

This morning's sunrise from our kitchen.
A glorious mess and wide-open window.  Summer-like this morning.

Her reading skills are exploding!  And she LOVES it.
Our flock of African chickens.  Thanks Mel and Craig!
Little beach treasures.  I'm going to miss the ocean.


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