1000 Gifts: August 9 edition

Has it really been a week since I last posted?
It's been fun and busy around here, and we've been enjoying the days of summer.
So let me take a few moments to record a few of ways in which the Father has blessed us this week. I'd love for you to join in!

0822 fresh veggies from farmers' market
0823 air conditioning in our car...ahhhh!
0824 piles and piles of socks, undies, t-shirts and shorts for camp...who wants to bet they wear the same thing for two weeks?!
0825 huge duffle bags
0826 sleep-overs with best friends
0827 helping a friend clean for a move
0828 New York City!
0829 college friend, so dear, a real, true heart friend
0830 seeing that friend in NYC
0831 our kids immediately hitting it off...so cute
0832 listening to Lucy's make-believe play
0833 experiencing New York with our children
0834 my brother
0835 my brother's tiny, cute apartment
0836 our children sprawled all over the apartment sleeping
0837 a cold shower at the end of a hot city day
0838 a new adventure for two boys
0839 praying the Lord will use their time away
0840 oldest son telling me on our trip, "This is so cool, Mom!"
0841 Sunday's sermon about church: why we need each other, how we don't get to choose each other; we're really family

holy experience


  1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today. Your pictures are lovely and you are so close to 1,000! I join you in gratitude for a lovely trip to New York, for time spent with family and for fresh veggies...yummy!
    Your list is lovely!

  2. Oooh, a trip to NYC... what fun!! I haven't been there in years and never once with my children; sounds like a great, great time!! And with extra special people along for the ride-- sounds like the perfect getaway!

    Rejoicing with you today~ hope you have a glorious week ahead!

  3. Fun list! You guys have been having a fun summer! That photo of you guys in NYC is great :) Have a great week!

  4. Looks like you had fun, and that the boys got some buildering in!

  5. LOVE the picture of yall in NY city, if only Lucy was looking forward. but awesome all the same!


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