Do you recognize this little bald-headed guy?
That is Theo on his first birthday. With his bug cake.
Here he is around the same age. What a cutie patootie!

That guy turned 8 years old today!
We celebrated with crepes for breakfast. Theo had his with strawberry jam and powdered sugar.
His requested dinner menu was breakfast! So we had fried eggs, bacon and pancakes. It was so good. Must do that more often.

Ever since he was born, Theo has had a zest for life, an infectious laugh and VERY strong emotions. He is so interesting. I'm so glad I get to watch him grow and learn.
Theo, we are so proud of you and blessed by your life.
(And hope you enjoy rocking out to your new AC/DC tunes!)


  1. Happy Birthday Theo! I remember when you were born. So happy to have you and your beautiful family in our lives :).

  2. Happy Birthday, Theo and Walter! Kit, you do such a great job celebrating your kid's birthdays - it's inspiring!

  3. Thanks for the comments, ladies! Jenny, thanks. That makes me feel good!

  4. Alright Theo! You are 8! I love your smile, in fact, I love the whole package.

  5. ha ha ha! the picture of him with the AC-DC makes me laugh, such a cute kit!
    hey kit - what is the bowl on the table with the little green cards with writting on them? was that something for his birthday too?
    8 is a big deal in our religion. I hope he had an awesome birthday!


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