A not-election post for your entertainment

I know most of you are probably watching election returns and either biting your nails or celebrating or maybe, like me, about to go to bed and see how it shakes out in the morning.  
I thought I would provide you some light-hearted distraction in the form of our pictures from the Hollow Weenie.
Theo and Lucy's school had a pumpkin display. Look at this amazing creativity!  I love the Dia de los Muertos pumpkin, done by my neighbor.

I like the Cookie Monster pumpkin!

This was the principal and assistant principal!  They were pretty convincing in those costumes!  
Here we are about to go trick-or-treating.  Vampire, Texas cheerleader, white Vince Young, and white Sean Alexander.  Sweet. 

But I have to tell you that my very favorite Halloween costume of the year was from my friend in Boston.  This woman is CRAZY creative and, in the few years that I have known her, always goes BIG for Halloween.  From this picture, can you guess what her daughter was for Halloween?
That's right.  Little L. was Mr. Rogers!  Her whole outfit is perfect, from the little sneakers to the parted hair to the cardigan.  
Can you stand the cuteness?!?  Look at the trolley!  The characters from the Land of Make-Believe! L's mom MADE all this, people.  She blew me away last year, when her whole family and a friend were Angry Birds.  And now this.  Simply amazing.  Way to go, L's mom!

And that, my friends, is my public service for tonight!  Buenas noches!

NOTE: I did receive permission from L's mom to share these amazing photos.


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