A rough morning

This has already been a bit of a rough morning.  And it's just 9 am!
By Thursday I am losing steam in the waking-up-early department.  So I didn't get up til 6, made the lunches and coffee, then woke everyone else up. 
Boy, were we all tired!  
Walter has a big load of homework and tests and projects this week, and is experiencing quite a steep learning curve in terms of planning ahead.  So he was up quite late, and quite droopy this morning.
Poor Theo.  As I woke him up, he said, "Finally, it's Friday."

Oh buddy.  It's only Thursday.  Tears and gnashing of teeth ensued.  Not only that, but he delayed so long getting dressed that he missed breakfast.  Not a fun way to start the day.

Lucy was pretty chipper until she realized that "no shoes go with this outfit!"

Really?  Already?  You're not even 5!

Of course, the shoe and clothing choices are limited when you're 5 and when it's gym day and you need to be dressed appropriately.  Then as we got in the car, the door banged hard into her ear.  More tears.

Walter was mad because he was late for school and he hates being late (it means he can't completely blend into the crowd).  Small tantrum, but he got over it and I prayed for him on the way.

When I dropped him off at school, I told him that Jesus loves him and he was even able to give me a real smile.

Then - I have no idea why this got to me so much - I watched Walter walk up to his school.  Behind him was a high school girl, who was also obviously late.

Walter opened the door, and then waited for the girl behind him to walk through in front of him.

It made tears come to my eyes, seeing him able to care for someone else in a small act of courtesy.  I know it sounds crazy, but for some reason my heart was touched.  I'm grateful for that boy and that the Lord is giving me all these days to love him, to encourage him, to be his cheerleader.
Sheesh, it's making me cry even now.


  1. I thank God for my daughter in law. These kids are so blessed to have a grounded mom. And to think she is not even 40 yet. See you guys soon.

  2. precious, Kit. That should bring tears to your eyes. What a gentleman! Keep raisin' 'em well in the Lord, friend. You're a wonderful example to me. I thank God for you in my prayers!!

  3. I thank God for both of you encouragers! Thanks for loving me!
    Was praying for you this morning, Heather!


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